Ancient Mesopotamia for Kids
The Sumerians were very inventive people. It is believed that they invented the sailboat, the chariot, the wheel, the plow, maps, and metallurgy. They developed cuneiform, the first written language. They invented games like checkers. They made cylinder seals that acted as a form of identification (used to sign legal documents like contracts.) They told stories about the first super hero (Gilgamesh), and invented many tools and implements to help with building and farming like hammers and kilns to bake bricks and pottery. They invented and used a system of math based on the number 60. Today we still divide an hour into 60 minutes, and put 360 degrees into a circle. Amazingly enough, we still use some Sumerian words today, words like crocus, which is a flower, and saffron which is both a color and a spice.
The ancient Mesopotamians created a government that was a combination of monarch and local councils that advised the king. Elected officials served in the Assembly and helped to rule the people. Even kings had to ask the Assembly for permission to do certain things.
One of the greatest Babylonian achievements was to write laws down, but there were always laws. The laws clearly said how you had to behave and what your punishment would be if you did not behave correctly. The laws were the same for both rich and poor.
The Assyrians were extremely warlike, yet one of the greatest Assyrian achievements was the library at Nineveh.
You can see why we say that these were extremely clever people. We owe them a lot!
Cuneiform - The First Written Language
Gilgamesh - The First Super-Hero
Hammurabi's Law Code - Written Down, and Applied to Everyone
Hanging Gardens of Babylon (one of the 7 wonders of the world!)
Interactive Quiz about the Land Between Two Rivers (with answers)
See also: Ancient Inventions
Explore Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Mesopotamia for Kids
The Land Between Two Rivers - The First Civilization
What does it take for a group of people to become a civilization?
Geography, History, Government
The importance of geography in Ancient Mesopotamia
Early Pioneers in Ancient Mesopotamia, settling down
Trade & Commerce, Clay Balls and Tokens
Daily Life
Music and Instruments (hear it!)
Religion, Gods, Myths
Religion - A Big Part of Daily Life
The Legend of Gilgamesh (the first superhero!)
Gilgamesh Makes A Friend - illustrated PowerPoint for kids
Gilgamesh and the Tree of Eternal Life
More Myths and Stories (some interactive, some animated)
Inventions and Achievements
So Many Firsts - the Wheel, the Sailboat, the Plow, and more
Hammurabi's Code - Written Laws
Hanging Gardens - Ancient Wonder, A love story
Interactive Games
Interactive Quizzes with Answers about Ancient Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria
Ancient Mesopotamia Five Themes of Geography
Ancient Sumer Art & Inventions